90% of Australian's malnourished says the ABS
The latest Australian Health Survey issued by the ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics, show us that less than 10% of Aussie adults and children consume the required amount of vegetables and fruits to maintain a good health status.
“Only 6.1% of adults consumed the recommended adequate vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits” - NHMRC Govt. Authority recommendation
“Only 8.5% of children consumed the recommended adequate vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits” - NHMRC Govt. Authority recommendation.
In today’s real world where we live in polluted air, eat so much processed “fake” food, don’t get adequate sleep, and have stress filled, busy lives, HiVita multi-vitamin and mineral supplements are an excellent form of insurance for our health and wellness.
Take note of the scientific researchers at Harvard Health Medical School : “High quality Multi vitamins can help Immunity and can help ward off disease in people who are malnourished".
According to Australia’s latest nutrition numbers, most of us are most probably malnourished. Trust HiVita to fill the gap.
Dr John Tickell
International Healthy Longevity MD